Monday, January 24, 2011

Some ideas to do for cheap with someone other than you:D

Hello ladies and gentlemen,

 I was trying to find some things to do for cheap. It is getting easier and easier now days to just sit on your butt and be entertained by electronics. I want things to be like it was when I was little. I could entertain myself so easy. Going to the park, pretending someone was trying to chase me. Looking for gold. Pretending I was an Indian. Although I am white as snow:D Now though of course, I am not by myself and it could be kind of difficult to find things that can get you closer to your mate. Here are some thing I wrote down.

1. Reading to each other. Now I LOVE to read and study, but this is like a little movie.One person can read and the other can sit and imagine how things look and who the characters look like. I think of the "I Love Lucy" episode where Ricky and Ethan talk about how nobody believes the REAL story about a black eye. So funny.

2. Paint or color by candlelight. Well i prefer coloring, Honestly, who doesn't like to color? What was the one thing you gave your parents or grandparents for a gift? That is right, either a drawing exclusively by the artist 5 year old YOU or a colored torn out picture of loony toons. My grandma had a tin box of crayons that smelled so good my sister and would take a  color in the coolest loony toons books. The best!

3. Now tell me who doesn't love throwing those balloons full of water at your sibling growing up. That is right water fights. Or those hyperactive boys at the pool, who loved to squirt you with their water guns....kind of like adults today. Bundump...chou. Yes that was a pinch line... now think of doing it now. There would be a lot more power behind that balloon.

4. Picnic Dates. My mom would always, and still does, pack up some good food and we would go to cemeteries and walk around, eat and take pictures. Very fun, for me. But you can stick to regular ol' parks, those are nice too but a little less quiet.

5. Hide and Seek IN THE DARK. Yes, maybe some bruises but definitely worth it. Very Very fun.

That is all folks! Those are just a few things of what I came up with. Your turn to get creative.Now your turn, try to think of things to think of the things you use to do as a kid and try to do them now. I bet they will still be just as fun.
Enjoy the sun today.
January 24th, 2011

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